I'm with the other posters who mentioned skipping 1st rather than K. Can you inquire as to whether that is a possibility and also whether you can get a commitment from the school that they will allow this so you don't wind up with a "sorry, we can't do that" later down the line when you've set plans based on going that way?

I'd agree that he sounds likely to be bored, but I also agree with what others have said: 1st grade was a much tougher year for both of my kids. My oldest rebelled b/c of the major structure, drill on sight words, etc. She was miserable and depressed to the point that we took her out and homeschooled for a while. My youngest simply checked out, entertained herself with daydreaming, and learned absolutely nothing that year. That set the stage for schools to question her ability even in the presence of IQ scores and for her to develop some pretty poor work habits.