
I had a talk with DD's teacher and she is now much more open to suggestions about how to deal with DD. And she is convinced that DD IS bright because they did some kind of IQ test at the school and DD apparently did very well.

So, now I have compiled some 'guidelines' for the teacher and I would like to hear your opinions/suggestions/critics, etc.

Recomended modifications of the Montessori Activities for M---

All the Montessori Activities are thought to present a very simple concept at a time. The child learns this simple concept by repeating the presentation by him/herself until mastery is attained and then /she moves to the next level.
While this approach works wonderfully with most kids it may not work at all with HG+ (Highly Gifted) children because they can process much more complex concepts and do not learn by repetition.
Based on what I have read about Montessori presentations plus what I know about M---. I think that the following modifications may work:

1. Group systematically several related presentations in one more complex one. For example, counting until 100 (with numbers), Seguin Boards and beads, or earth 'globes', maps/puzzels and names of continents, etc.

2. Use the Montessori material to illustrate a new idea or concept. Repeat the presentation two/three times and once M--- has 'got it' ask her to solve some problems where she has to use her new knowledge - but do not insist that she repeats the presentation over and over. If she does not understand it, she need one more explanation by the teacher. And if she does understand it, then she does not need the 'drilling'. Aplying the knowledge to new situations is not drilling of course.

3. Once she has understood some concept, for example, decimal system and to count to 1000+ go quickly to the next challenge, for example adding and substracting. In other words, increase the pace of learning new material.

4. About reading: what is working at home is to teach at the same time, names and sound of all letters capital and minuscules through reading stories or whole words.

5. I think this is rather time consuming and that it woud be advisable to ask for extra help to the Principal.