*deep breath* This is going to be rather ranty...

So Bear(5) is unofficially attending the local special ed preschool once a week for about two hours. At first it was just for social skills and he did wonderfully so we added in staying to do school work. He's.... managing. There is oppositional behavior and non-compliance, but no tantrums at school and he has managed to complete something both days he's gone so far. He's a handful for the next 36 hours after school though.

He is in line to get into a two day a week charter/homeschool mix program. Problem is it's full, both of them. Also they are now saying that he might not be allowed to attend if he isn't potty trained even if I'm willing to act as his aid. The other options are half day K (they'd call me and I'd have to go to the school to change him and it's an every day program), a very unschooling based charter school whose little kids' class is always full so new kids don't have a chance to get into it and another charter that gives you money and a supervisor, but no social groups or anything like that.

Bear NEEDS classroom structure (he's thriving at the special ed PK beyond refusing to do work), but he can't take it in large doses every day. Kids with a diagnosis get to wear diapers to school and have an aid to change them. Since he's not bad off enough to have a diagnosis beyond sensory processing disorder and anxiety (he has enough check marks to just BARELY not qualify for a handful of other disorders that would "count" with the district) and he didn't qualify for an IEP, we are SOL.

I really have no idea what to do if the program is full and/or he can't be in diapers. I mean he will be 5 1/2 and in diapers. Shouldn't that count as a special need, especially if it might be linked to the SPD? Argh...

Last edited by Wyldkat; 05/15/12 11:45 PM.