I'm wondering about people's experiences regarding when (and how) their kids started realizing that they were maybe a little different than the norm, and how they felt bout it.
DS5 has long been asked,among other things, to read to the other kids in daycare and preschool, and he seems to vacillate between being proud of that, and a little bit embarassed. He basically just wants to fit in. Beginning in Kindergarten he will be attending a private school for GT kids, so that will be somewhat less of an issue. But we still haven't really explained to him the nature of the school (although the word "gifted" pops up everywhere). We wish to make him aware that he has some special talents, but that this doesn't make him any "better" than other kids his age that can't do the things he can do.
I guess this whole post boils down to:
How does one foster pride in special talents without fostering elitism? And how young were your kids when you started to discuss this stuff with them?