There was a girl in preschool that DD was fast and close friends but she was allowed to hit and kick her mother. And when she felt comfortable enough with DD, and DD wanted to play with other kids, she kicked DD.

We focused on not allowing it because then DD tried to kick me. She had to learn it was unacceptable and it was unacceptable to allow this child to do it and for months she did not play with this girl. Then they kind of made up and then it happened again. Luckily the girl moved back to Italy.

We focus on not giving away your power and unacceptable. And DD talks to me when her friends make unreasonable demands and tell her to do what she needs to do for herself, whether she wants to play with someone else or sit beside somebody else at lunch. I am surprised how the games get played in 2nd grade.

First lesson in preschool was smile and walk away. And you keep reinforcing it. If she cannot kick me or behave that way with me, she shouldn't accept it from someone else.
