Hello all
My first post here. I have a 5yo who I believe is gifted, not yet been tested by the education system due to shortage of ed psychs. He's been at school for 2 full terms and just started his 3rd term. He seems happy enough, but there is a problem with the friends he is choosing.

I'm wondering if parents of other gifted children have noticed a similar problem and can help with ways of dealing with it.

He's made friends with a couple of boys who are active and gregarious, but who keep excluding him from playing with him. One of them is a bit of a bully, with my son and other kids. But even though he gets upset when he's excluded by them, and when they try to push him around, he still goes back to play with them.

I watched him today following this boy about who is not really reciprocating my son's friendliness and esteem. It is like a puppy dog happily following an indifferent and even hostile other dog around. It breaks my heart to see how he is willing to tolerate such behaviour from so called 'friends'.

But perhaps I'm overreacting. Is this a gifted thing? If it's not really bothering him, maybe I shouldn't let it bother me.

Thanks for any sharing of similar experience.