I was in hysterics last night. I could not stop laughing. I live with Wolf day in and day out and other than being exhausting it doesn't phase me. It's only when the numbers are put down that I start to freak out. I'm not at all phased about having him take history with the 8th graders, well I wasn't until I realized that he will be 8 and they will be 13-14. He'll love it and fit in perfectly, but the numbers make my brain hurt. It makes it very hard for me to comprehend the concerns of a single level grade skip. He's always been such a wild outlier that I've always been more worried about how he'll adjust to college classes before he's a teen than I am about how difficult it will be to go through puberty later than the kids in his class.

That's part of my issue with going through with testing, besides the cost, I'm afraid the numbers will show me a different kid than the one I know. Maybe it's projected imposter syndrome, but what if the numbers come back lower than expected? What if the numbers say he isn't as "gifted" as we think he is?

I can't see it actually happening, but that doesn't stop the concern. He's finishing 4th grade EPGY math, is in the middle of 6th grade EPGY language arts, and he just finished two middle school textbooks. He's SEVEN!!! I know that equates to a high IQ, but what if it comes back too low for Davidson? Once again, I doubt it will, but what if it does? Does that mean that testing him will be a waste of money when we have so little to spare? Does it mean he's not as smart as he seems? Would it mean we ought to place him in a regular classroom?

I'm worried that the numbers will be different from what I see on a daily basis and if they are that it will change how I deal with him. I don't know... This whole thing is hitting more triggers that I would have expected.