Our DD got a tentative "diagnosis" of dysgraphia earlier this year--the 'slow' kind (where it takes her a long time to write stuff but it looks pretty good at the end). We were lucky to get into another private school for next year (long story) and so are not going to have to deal with an IEP, but FWIW some of the recommendations from the evaluating psychologist included things like not requiring DD to write out her answers on worksheets in full sentences (she's in 3rd grade), allowing her to type her answers when possible (probably at this point mostly for homework), and using voice recognition/ dictation software if possible. Also on the End of Grade (EOG) tests here in NC her current (private) school got an accomodation to allow her to just mark her answers on the test itself and then they transferred the answers to the bubble sheet. I think she could have done it herself because she always finishes early, but of course they want the school to look as good as possible (not that they actually taught her much this year, which is a little irksome, but never mind...). So it might be worth getting a diagnosis if anything like that might help your son.

Also, his scores look pretty high to me--is it possible that his difficulties with handwriting have prevented the teachers from recognizing his giftedness and possibly accelerating him?

Incidentally, my DH still writes like a 2nd grader! I think it's just another indication of how much things have changed over the years (he is in his late forties) that he never got in trouble for it in school at any level, just reminders to try to write more neatly!