Everyone I know who uses Aleks loves it.

Our DYS contact even suggested going with Aleks until DS6 memorizes his times tables, since roughly half of Singapore 3A is multi-digit multiplication, and it's a royal pain to do that without having your times tables down.

I suspect Aleks tends to be favored by afterschoolers because it's on a computer, not from a workbook, while full-time HSers like the workbook. It's just my theory, so it's worth exactly what you paid for it (LOL!), but I know I'm not very happy to give up my time on the computer, plus we can't take it with us like we can our workbooks. Using Aleks would require a big change in our schedule, and I'm not up for that yet.

But I'm definitely thinking about switching.

I don't know about how it is for algebra. Let me know for when we get there, would you, please? smile
