Ania, thank you so much for your feedback on AOPS. It helped me to understand that I wasn't missing something in the exerpts; I just wasn't understanding the AOPS approach. Also, your input on just doing the text versus doing the class and the text was very helpful.

I'm still mulling over a few things, but the more I think about it, the more I think that our son would really benefit from this approach to math.

I'm going to give him the Intro to Algebra pre-test in the next week or so. I checked out the post-test, and I know he can't answer all of those questions. He can, however, answer all of the questions on the pre-test; at least, I know he has mastered those concepts and should be able to get correct answers!

Looking at the class outline, a lot of the topics are very familiar to him, but I think he needs more in depth exposure to them.

Dottie, my initial reaction to the price was that it is pretty steep, but in the grand scheme of things, it's probably completely reasonable. I'm just not used to spending hundreds of dollars on one course.
