Has she read the Little House on the Prairie series, or any of the American Girl franchise stuff? DD liked that for awhile, as well as the Magic Treehouse series (which is also semi-educational). One of my all-time favorites is the Phantom Tollbooth that I think works on a bunch of levels so if she doesn't get all of it yet she might still like it.

If she likes non-fiction, she might like "The History of US" series about US history. We just got it recently and it's really fun--more like a series of relevant /anecdotes told in a very engaging way. Also a lot of the "Books for Dummies" are actually pretty accessible if the topic is of interest.

I agree some of the fiction is really pretty extreme--DD has gone through the Warriors series (which her *classroom* had!) and I found it quite violent (cats loving and hating other cats and sometimes arranging their demises or going to war). Fortunately she didn't seem to get bothered by that kind of thing too much (because I didn't even realize they had books like that in her classroom), because then she actually picked up the Hunger Games (which DH had bought for himself to read) and has now read all three books. That's the first time she's picked up one of our books and it kind of surprised us--we almost asked her to stop reading it. She will definitely not be seeing the movie for at least a number of years. However, now of course she has gotten in trouble for talking about it at school, in the same classroom that introduced her to the Warriors.

I did start out by trying to pre-read, or at least pre-screen, but I don't have enough time to keep ahead.
Unfortunately a lot of the humor fiction can be pretty disrespectful--Big Nate, Dork Diaries have been fun but probably not the best thing for a kid with social issues, so I have tried to steer her towards other things.

I'm hoping that our DD doesn't get permanently scarred by any of the inappropriate books and that when she gets older she will appreciate that I was *trying* to be a good parent. If I had to pre-screen everything and only let her read what I thought was totally appropriate, I think she would go crazy from boredom.

Good luck!