Now dd is totally onboard. So no question of her appearing unenthusiastic to the school! And dh was all, "That is what I said to do 4 months ago..." I guess I am just slow with this stuff. I don't think I can put it strongly enough how competitive and crazy this cluster of schools is...the high school has like 70 kids with 4.0s (and those are kids taking all kinds of AP classes and playing on state championship sports teams etc.) My friends who went to the most highly prestigious private schools in this area all said it was just as intense if not more so than their schools. Yes, I will make sure about the math too--I figure it shouldn't take that much time over summer to fill in gaps--Aleks or Khan academy should do it, right? Now to right the letter to the school re: dd5 and kindy (parents can't request a specific teacher but can write a letter with any concerns). Parenthood...