Must agree with epoh! I've looked back too and realized at least one teacher (who he had when he was having the MOST trouble) often sought out conflict to show kiddo he had to play by her rules. Unfortunately with smart & stubborn kiddos "because I said so" doesn't always work. My son wasn't an angel but having a caregiver who's understanding and willing to work with the child's quirks (but still not be a pushover)is priceless. Sometimes I wonder though if we would have had as many problems if I'd gotten him into the excellent pre-school run by my school district that that he went to after leaving the school with the more dominant teacher. They had specialists on staff that a "daycare" can't afford and he actually had an IEP in pre-school. Does your area have a district preschool that deals with kids with disabilities? Not that your son is disabled in any way but our Special School district teacher was amazing in getting him back on track.