
I am new to the forum and need a little advice. We have a DS5 who is exceptionally gifted, currently in kindergarten at a parish school, but we are placing him in a school for GT children next year. We recognized his abilities early and struggled with this decision over the past two years, learning a ton about all of our options and having him tested in all sorts of areas. We have concluded that he needs this school, so we finally made the decision and informed his principal and teacher. They completely understood because they have seen him "in action" and have already run out of ways to accommodate him.

The issue I have is discussing this with our friends, especially those who have children around the same age. We figured that there was nothing to gain by sharing details of his achievements with them, or our struggles to make a decision regarding schooling. So... While many saw him reading at age 2, and know that we worry that he would rather read all day than play or be social, they don't know the full extent. (that issue has improved btw)

The problem is that we have to tell them that we are moving our son to this school. These are either close friends who we have playdates with often, or they are the other parents of children at his current school (which is very small) who will be asking where he went. How do I explain that we are moving our child to a program for GT children without them becoming jealous, annoyed, thinking I'm bragging, thinking we are trying to push our child into becoming Einstein, or just generally thinking we are odd and not wanting our families to hang out as much? I'm just afraid of all the stereotypes and the jealousy.

Of note... We really can't keep this info from them... We live in an area where one's school is, for whatever reason, a huge deal and a defining characteristic. If they find out we are putting our child in a school that is in a completely different school district (that is not nearly as good as our current one) and that we are putting our younger DS in the parish school for preschool yet pulling DS5 out, they will have many questions. How do I tell the parents of his current classmates who I'm afraid will believe that we think we are better than them or something for leaving... Yet I will have to encounter these parents because DS3 will be there next year (and I really do like these people and want to remain friends).

Any ideas? Sorry this is so long and incoherent...I'm exhausted.. It's nearly 2am here and the kids will be up at 6:30! I appreciate you reading this! I've been avoiding hanging out with friends so I can avoid the topic so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!