Oh, that's my fault, kimck! Sorry!

I'm addicted, too, so you can't really blame me for getting you hooked. I'm helpless in the face of my illness! wink

Only 20 minutes a day to play seems almost cruel. I get lost in the game for hours, which is why I'm not playing AT ALL right now! If I want to get work done, I can't. I can't have even just a little taste of Civ4, or I'm lost!

BTW, the "Beyond the Sword" expansion pack is even better than the "Warlords" one. But maybe that's info I should keep to myself... grin

As for the book, I would happily send bits of it to my e-friends, if you'd be willing to give me feedback on it. But I'd have to know who you are IRL so I could sue the pants off you if you published my work! (LOL, but only half-kidding...)
