Originally Posted by polarbear
How does her expressive language disorder impact her?

She's not identified via the school at all, but she does get private ST every other week. I haven't thought about her expressive language skills affecting her reading comprehension in the ways that you mention, but it makes a lot of sense! I'll ask her SLP the next time we see her.

As for test-taking - she is a very slow test-taker (except for math) and her 504 states that she gets at least time and a half for tests. So, with that in mind, I had this feeling that there was something more to her test score. I asked her if she rushed through her test so she could finish with her friends and sure enough, my instincts were right.

So, this most recent score is even less accurate than what it could be. btw, I don't look at each individual score, I look at the pattern that the scores present and overall, her rate of progression is relatively flat. I don't have any idea of what her lexile might be right now since we don't get the reports from school.