I don't know if the school has a policy or not, but I'll be darned if they try to limit my son because of some silly policy or approach. In my opinion, he should be able to read any appropriate text that is a "just right" book, and asking him to read a 3.1 when he's at a 5.9 is like asking a child who is at a 1.5 to read at a 2.5. It's cruel and frustrating. I seriously hope our school isn't like that. They don't have an advanced reading program - or any sort of gifted program - but as long as he's doing the work, what does it matter if he's reading at his level or his class level?

They're writing the answers in their journals now - as they have been for awhile - but he just rushes through things (as he does in math) and I'm concerned that his frustration is turning into not caring about the quality of his work.

EPOH - it sounds like the same sort of assignment my son is getting. He understands it much better when we talk about it - one of the many reasons why I'm reading the same books he is. I was wondering if that was developmentally normal. I suspect his teacher doesn't understand that gifted children are not gifted in all areas, and still need "normal" development activities in concert with their talents.

Unfortunately the work they do in Reader's Workshop is not homework, and they are not expected to bring home their journal (nor are they permitted to).

Hubby and I are meeting with his teacher on Friday and I'd like to ask her if he could bring home his journal daily for the next few weeks so I can give him more immediate feedback. I'd also like to ask her that if he doesn't answer the question sufficiently (or at all, like he did earlier this week) that he not be permitted to move on until he does it right - even if that means missing out on free time or other activities.

I don't think it's right to just accept the work, move on, and never give him the feedback that his answers are insufficient. To me, we learn best when we are shown our mistakes and given a chance to fix them, particularly at this grade.

I still can't help but think something else is going on and I'm at a loss as to what it is??

Thanks all!