Originally Posted by ABQMom
We have an IEP in place that allows for late assignments, reduced work load, etc., but I'm finding as the year rolls to a close, the teachers have lost a lot of willingness to make exceptions for him and think he is being coddled.

ABQ, does the IEP include any direct instruction in organizational skills, or only accommodations?

Our DS9's IEP includes direct instruction in organization. The special ed teacher checks on him at the beginning of the day to make sure he wrote everything from the board into his planner, and at the end of the day, she has him check the planner, think through what assignments he's doing tonight and what he needs to bring home. I can then do a lot of prompting at home as needed to make sure it all gets back, but I am trying hard to leave more and more of it to him; the goal is to fade the direct instruction by middle school. We see real improvement over time because of the instruction.

My feeling is that accommodations may continue to be necessary, but he won't get the skills unless someone teaches them to him and reinforces them. Maybe your DS is similar?
