Originally Posted by ABQMom
Maybe it is just end-of-the-year craziness. I'm just so frustrated with the anger/resentment I'm picking up in the tones of the emails, as if they think by this time of year he should be "fixed".

ABQ, I'm so sorry-- this is awfully frustrating. There is definitely an annual cycle: teachers are so optimistic at the start of the year, quite tired by December, but on a roll in the early spring, and by this point they're trying to meet year-end goals but also, yes, wanting to see growth and progress in return for their efforts.

I think it's very hard for them to realize that some things are not fast fixes; that even good teaching may not entirely remediate a neurological disability. And certainly not in one year.

It may be worth while to be in touch with the teachers and change up strategy together with them. ("I notice that x y and z are causing some frustration. DS is feeling down about his difficulties in this area, and so am I. How can we approach this in a new way?") This may help freshen up attitudes...

I also send them "hooray" email now and then about progress I see. "Wow, DS has written down his homework every day this week! Thanks!" sort of thing. Just to remind them that their effort matters to me and to DS.
