We recently tested our DS (6 years, 0 months) on the WISC-IV - he hit it off with the tester and while he was "somewhat fidgety and restless," especially during the Processing Speed section, and "focus was not as good on rote tasks," the test was felt to be an accurate appraisal.

He is in a small, gentle kindergarten class with a teacher who believes kindergarten is about behavior and learning to follow school routines. In her system, he is regularly "on red" for dawdling, squirming, sitting in the wrong line at circle time, running two steps in the classroom. The teacher frequently hands out a worksheet (color the pictures that start with A and write the words underneath), steps away, and comes back to find that he has not started it. This seems very predictable to me but when we met two weeks ago, it was her chief issue with his behavior and she has questioned whether he will be ready for the expectations of first grade.

DS is a high-energy, outgoing child who when bored tends to socialize or announce facts about his areas of interest (currently predators and scavengers). This drives the teacher crazy. We have been pressing for differentiation since the fall, but she feels that it would not be fair since he's not completing the regular worksheets. Hence, the testing. While he does not seem unhappy, school is primarily a social outlet and the work he completes there is well below what challenges him at home.

I would appreciate any thoughts on his scores and how to work with the school to keep him engaged for the last three months of the year. Of course we will also be talking to the principal about getting him a better fit for next year. Thanks for your thoughts!


Verbal Comprehension 138 / 99.9th percentile
Similarities 16
Vocabulary 19
Comprehension 14

Perceptual Reasoning 141 / 99.7th percentile
Block Design 15
Picture Concepts 19
Matrix Reasoning 16

Working Memory 120 / 91st percentile
Digit Span 12
Letter-Number Sequencing 15

Processing Speed 103 / 58th percentile
Coding 8
Symbol Search 13

FSIQ 135 / 99th percentile

GAI was not included - if I am calculating correctly I get a 148.