Just a note about meeting other gifties...the educational thing is one issue, but meeting other kids he can bond with is sort of separate. When my DD was that age I was more motivated to try to specifically go to activities for gifted kids (through the state association) and even once went to a higher-IQ thing, but they weren't that successful really. What I've found that works best is to just find interesting things to do (I really love museum classes and things at historic sites or nature centers) and just set DD loose. She almost always finds some other kid to talk to about science, mythology, whatever is going. I've found she's more likely to bond with kids who have been raised more like her, to think for themselves, that have more exposure to life outside the "mainstream" as it were, and who are likely to not take everything overly seriously, just have fun with learning (but that's her personality). It's nice for them to find a BFF but sometimes just having a bit of fun, having an adult instructor who has a love of that subject, and enjoying a great conversation with a peer is a super boost for them, just like adults.