I have been a little slower posting in the last few months, but I'm back again, because you are so helpful!

I have got 3 children (5-baby) and we homeschool. I am getting pretty frazzled trying to keep up with them all! The older two desperately NEED to be kept busy and active and engaged. Otherwise life is extremely unpleasant for everyone! The baby of course needs to get hold of their things! Me? I need a STRONG cup of coffee!

Anyway, I am getting pretty tired and worn out. I am really struggling to keep up with things. Experienced homeschoolors,how do you cope with that age when they need more, but they can't really do 'work'? Especially with other children around. How do I get each of them to do something at their own level?

And most importantly, how do I stay sane?

TIA smile

Last edited by GeoMamma; 04/01/12 02:28 PM.