I thought I'd ask, since I know several of you on here have probably gone through this. DS8 has some anxiety issues, as well as a mood disorder. The mood disorder is pretty well under control now thanks to meds (yay proper meds!), the anxiety is the same as ever though. It doesn't manifest in any big way, so we aren't treating it right now (other than in counseling if something comes up), but he does typical anxiety things like chew his fingernails, skip meals, have trouble sleeping, etc. (The food and sleep problems don't happen very often.)

How do you handle it when a kid like this brings up some sort of major world problem/issue? DS started asking about gas/oil the other day. He's very concerned that we are digging oil out of the ground and burning it all up in our cars, and then we are going to run out, and then what will we all do?

I talked with him for a bit about electric cars and the stuff that's being worked on, and I think that pacified him. He's a fairly quiet kid a lot of the time, and I'm not sure he's not still worried about it.

ETA: Can I just say I love having a place where I can talk about the fact my child is worried about peak oil with people who actually understand?

Last edited by epoh; 03/09/12 07:44 AM.
