Wow, this brings back memories. When dd11 was in K, she regularly convinced her teacher that we had gone to the zoo the day before, gotten a new puppy, that dh's family lived in Italy (they are Italian, but all live in the U.S.)...

At 11, she is still a very creative kiddo with many ideas that will probably never come to fruition but maybe they will. She was driving her sister crazy a few days ago by spending hours working out jingles and commercials for Domino's Pizza all outloud. I try not to crush her ideas although I did find it hard to not point out that you cannot defame other fast food joints in your commercials since her jingle involved three other restaurants, one of whose food tasted like a word she also couldn't use on TV -- lol!

We have found school to be a harder fit for a child whose interests are so much not in the academic realm (Hollywood make-up artistry, fashion design, writing commercial jingles...) and who is so out of the box in how she approaches academics. None the less, she rarely has teachers who don't like her. It is just a balancing act to find a way to get her placed appropriately academically and not crush her into a box she doesn't fit in.

FWIW, I don't think that she makes up major stories or lies to us or her teachers at this point.