If anyone has anything to add for me, I'd appreciate it! Bear is probably 2E and is 5 years old. He peed in the potty for a short while (timer in use) until a very bad experience with a counselor (this past Oct.) and has only peed once or twice since then. He's never pooped on a potty (he's on Miralax due to stooling issues, but we're trying probiotics to see if they will help with the issues).

He says he's afraid of not making it to the potty in time (poop related) and of making a mess. He says the potty is too cold to sit on, but won't let me line it with toilet paper and won't stand (although he did before the counselor... grrr...).

I wish I had some advice to offer the OP, we used cheerios to get him to pee in the potty when that was actually happening.