Originally Posted by ElizabethN
For what it's worth, 11111, I got my son this potty chair specifically because it said it would fit big kids, and he has no problem peeing into it. (He is 3.5, reading fluently, but still not really potty trained. Finding daycare that can deal with him has not been a fun experience.)

Thanks for posting this, my 21 month old is already 36lbs and too big for any of the potties in the store. And showing no signs of readiness so who knows how big he'll be?!

My oldest didn't potty train until 3.5, she wasn't talking until then either. One thing I will suggest for the OP for when he will finally go, is to take something to cover the sensors on a public toilet or you will set yourself back weeks. My daughter wouldn't go near one for ages after the first time she had one flush while she was still sitting. If he's scared of the toilet at home, this will be 10x worse.