well, sorry because all I have for you is a (((HUG))) and the advice that, it will take some trying, some reading and researching, but TRY SOMETHING. anything is better than nothing...take it from someone who kept getting told "it will get better" "she will mellow out" "it will be fine"...

I WISH I had moved my child from her school in first grade...realy even in kinder if I knew then...she turned 5 the second day of school and similar behaviors, except crying or pouting...she would be MORTIFIED to cry. She wet her pants frequently though and once applied an entire chapstick to her face! She got more of those discipline notes than any other girl and all but two of the boys (who later turned out to have developmental problems).

If this school really understands the truly gifted, they wouldn't give up on your DD and would offer you more solutions, not expect her to behave exactly like the others.

BTW-my kid like that is 8 now, we removed her from one school and now she attends a "home study" program. She goes to her 3rd grade class once a week for 3 hours and the teacher just told me this morning that Butter is defiant and not listening. frown She behaves beautifully at home and everyone who knows her outside of school thinks she is awesome...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...