Hi everyone --

Not sure if this is the best forum for this, but I was hoping some people could give me feedback on Everyday Math. We have been having trouble with appropriate math accleration for DS6, who is in first grade. He is doing third grade math this year, and excels in it (his processing speed is slow, but his conceptual grasp on things is outstanding). It has been a bit tough at his private school to get him going at the pace he should be doing; they have done a great job, but there are not many kids, and nobody on his social level who is also functioning at his math level.

A local charter school is opening a K-5 school next year. They will have full time gifted classrooms, which is great, and at least say that they will work with kids at whatever level they are at. It is a "Science School", and the current middle school has a huge number of math and science based activities (Math Olympiad, Science Olympiad, robotics, solar power, Lego building, etc.). However, they use the University Chicago funded math curricula (Connected Math Project and College Preparatory Math) in middle school, and are planning on using Everyday Math in Elementary school.

I have heard SO many negative things about Everyday Math. I was hoping some people who have mathy kids who have been exposed to it could comment on the curriculum, and how good it is for kids who pick up math concepts very quickly. My impression is that there is so much "cooperation" and repetitiveness in the program, and so many complicated methods of doing calculations that for him are very intuitive, that it would be very frustrating for him. Any thoughts?