Since you're posting on this board, I will assume you will want to discuss some GT issues with the school. If we didn't ask for a meeting, we would have just had our kiddo blindly placed in a kindergarten. Because we knew before kindergarten that our child was very advanced, we approached the school the spring before kindy. We contacted the district gifted coordinator to ask her advice about what we should do, even though we knew GT services didn't officially start until 3rd grade. We figured we would have our best shot at having the GT coordinator "get" our kiddo, and we lucked out. The best part of meeting with a school the spring before kindy is that if you are lucky, the principal can hand-pick a teacher who is good at differentiation and willing to take a kiddo who may be quite advanced.

The school readiness test for us was very basic. We took DS at 3, as you could bring the kids in at 3 or 4. There were questions like "put the red block on top of the blue block" and counting to 10. Some balancing on one foot. I can't remember much more. I did ask someone what they did with kids who could already read, and I was told by the screener, "Oh, we have lots of kids who can already read before kindergarten. My kids could." So, basically, we got no advice, but a false sense of hope that there would be other kids like ours.