Hi All, I am a mom of three children 9, 11, and 14. My 14 and 11 year old were designated Gifted in their 2nd gradeyear at our local public school. My 9 year olds experience in second grade at the same school( same teacher ) has not led to his being identified. My question is, can a child under acute stress only within his classroom environment result in his performing poorly on such a test as the OLSAT ?

I am asking because our district found that his teacher treated him in an inequitable manner when assessing his social growth and development( manipulated/used classmates judgement/gossip rather than her own experience with him to assign his grades ). The district then reversed many of this teachers report card marks and comments pertaining to our son . Looking back over the documentation, such treatment of him by her ( constant singling out for punishment /ridicule )that she used to justify her conclusions that he lacked progress and demonstrated an inability fo follow school rules or get a long with others - escalated after we complained, escalated daily the week of OLSAT , and started up again the day before State Testing.

Is it possible to railroad a child into- poor performance -through such acute emotional harassment ?

I am thinking of petitioning the district to have him retested (?)

Please advise !!!