Originally Posted by Bostonian
I think the forum guidelines (where are they?) discourage political discussion, and you appear incapable of doing so civilly in any case.

I am at least two of the things you "can't stand". If I replaced the political terms above with their opposites, how would you like it?

The forum guidelines (aka Board Rules) are in the blue section at the top of the page ( here�s a link ).

Originally Posted by Board Rules
Do not bully or insult. In any discussion, people may disagree with your opinions. This is a normal part of any discussion. If you do not agree with someone, feel free to post a thoughtful, constructive response, but do not bully or insult people.

I find that I do better (especially here) if I present facts that support my opinion. So, instead of saying, "Joe Bloggs is a lying liar and I can't believe anyone could believe what he says!!!" I would write, "Joe Bloggs says there's no such thing as giftedness, but here are things that prove him wrong [link, link, link]."