Right now I'm re-reading the book "7 habits of highly effective people". �It's not what I expected. �It's much better. �Now that I'm in the middle of reading it I recall reading it as a teenager and being highly impressed , er, feeling enlightened by reading it and feeling the simple truth resonate. �Here's what it says:
Draw a circle and put everything you're worried about in it. �Draw another circle inside that and fill it with the things you have some influence over. �The more you focus on the things inside the inner circle the more effective you will be. �And you'll be surprised to see that the circle of your influence will begin to grow.

Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by simplegifts
I get into a lot of arguments with my family, who are every bit the three R's that I can't stand: rigid, right-wing, and Republican.

I think the forum guidelines (where are they?) discourage political discussion, and you appear incapable of doing so civilly in any case.

I am at least two of the things you "can't stand". If I replaced the political terms above with their opposites, how would you like it?

That is true. �Angst is outside of the usual scope of this forum, unless it's how to guide your son or daughter through it. �

What?!? �What happened to the Davidson Database Archives???

I was going to direct OP there and to Hoagies so they could read up on giftedness and how it might affect a person, if they wanted to educate themselves about giftedness.

Ok, it's still there. �It's just hidden behind a secondary link.

Oh, and look at this blog where this lady considers her own giftedness as a grown up and invites comments and conversation.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar