Originally Posted by Pam

I am in need of some information. My daughter is in first grade, but reading at above 5th grade level. She is above average in math. Her school was interested in advancing her by one grade. I was thinking to make a better decision I should have her tested. Is this necessary? If so what tests are best?
I am always more comfortable with grade skips when IQ scores are available and high, but I do know of kids who have been skipped without having IQ tested. Is the school using the Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS) to evaluate her for a grade skip or just suggesting it based on achievement? I'd at least want them to fill out the IAS. The newest version of it is willing to accept group ability test scores instead of IQ scores (probably due to cost considerations as group tests are much cheaper to do and don't require a psychologist to administer).

Other factors I'd consider would be:

Age (is she older or younger for grade?)
Her interest in skipping
Family history (do you have a history of giftedness/do you have good reason to think that she'll continue to outpace her grade peers and need more than she will get if you don't accelerate?)

FWIW, we did skip one of our children who was already very young for grade, so I certainly wouldn't rule out a skip if she's on the younger end. It's just one thing to think about especially if you don't have a lot of experience with her being with older kids to know how she'll fit with them.