Originally Posted by JonLaw
I don't know which medical/psychological specialty is best at diagnosing ADD these days.

However, I don't recall that the WISC IV or WJ III has much value with respect to either diagnosing or ruling out ADD.

Does anyone know whether neuropsychological testing is useful for ruling out such a diagnosis?

We had ADHD ruled out through neuropsych testing - the testing included behavioral scales completed by parents and teachers as we'll as executive function testing and another computerized test specifically designed to assess distractibility/focus (I'm sorry I can't remember the name at the moment!) So for us the neuropsych eval both ruled out ADHD plus gave us the diagnosis that really was true for our ds, and which has overlapping symptoms with ADHD - ie the neuropsych eval clarified what the true cause of the observed symptoms was.

We also had our ds go through an ADHD screening through our pediatrician, which involved a different brand of behavioral survey and a detailed parent interview. Our ped ruled out ADHD even though ds met the criteria for screening based on two factors: ,the suspected ADHD behaviors were not present prior to entering school and because they were behaviors commonly associated with giftedness in high iq kids.

Last edited by polarbear; 01/16/12 12:37 PM.