Hello! I have recently discovered this forum and having been reading and learning so much, but am new to all this...

DS9 is scheduled to be tested on the WISC IV and WJ III in a couple of weeks. We are hoping that the test results will help us in making an educational plan for him, learn more about the way he learns, and hopefully confirm or refute a diagnosis of ADD.

Last year in third grade his teacher hinted at the possibility of ADHD. We had DS evaluated and the doctor did not feel comfortable making an ADD diagnosis even though he had "enough" checks. She was, however, confident in a making a diagnosis of dysgraphia. She felt that given how bright he is and a diagnosis of dysgraphia, it could very well look like ADD/ADHD.

Fast forward to this year, fourth grade at a new school, his current teacher raises the concern of ADHD yet again. Despite this, DS earns very good grades. His biggest challenge in the classroom is his lack of organizational skills, not paying attention (he is usually reading a book he's hidden under his desk), and his writing challenges.

I go back and forth almost daily trying to figure out if his behaviors are due to his giftedness or a combination of his giftedness and ADD.

Can the WISC IV and/or WJ III confirm or refute an ADHD/ADD diagnosis?

The only other testing we have is the OLSAT he took last year. His scores indicate he is in the "superior to gifted range."

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.