My lovely DD5.5 cannot stop speaking unless she is sound asleep, which is brief, and there are days my brain aches for silence (I am a SAHM). Yesterday we went to a museum and she spoke nonstop at high speed the entire hour and a half ride there and the hours and a half ride back, the full three hours we were there, then barely slept, and woke up talking like a machine gun. We asked her to stop in a variety of ways, we timed her and she couldn't go longer than a minute. She was kicking the seat, humming, singing, talking, the whole time which is very typical. I wasn't rested so it was getting on my nerves. She had books to read, but would rather just talk and talk. I understand she was excited (she is ALWAYS excited), but it seriously can start to fray my nerves. She also spoke very loudly, appearing to yell, no matter how many times we asked her to lower her voice. Her ears have been tested and that is fine. She had an evaluation, and although she has many symptoms of ADHD everyone just keeps focusing on the gifted piece. She can control herself during structured activities, thrives on them, but for 14 or so hours a day she is talking at high speed and mama wants some quiet time to think. Any suggestions on how to help her have some non-speaking times. She seriously does not seem to be able to play without narrating which is fine, but it is always in earshot. She does some silent reading, but since she has a very active intense four year old sister, she would prefer to hum, sing, make animal noises, talk talk talk talk. HELP my brain is throbbing. I'll take advice or empathy :-) She did receive OT for "sensory seeking" but she dismissed from the program as "done."

Last edited by TwinkleToes; 01/15/12 06:46 AM.