We haven't hit that point yet, but I have chatted with D's high school counselor about this. Here are a few things she said:

- She had me get an official transcript sent from U of Nev-Reno to the high school to be included in her file. That way when they send transcripts to her colleges, the high school will include that transcript along with their own high school transcript (even though the high school does not accept the credit, just the way they are). It is logistically easier, although I will probably remind the college counseling office to do this just to make sure it happens.

- I asked the counselor how the colleges would look at it from an admissions perspective. She thought they look at outside/summer courses separately from the high school courses (so, for example, the college courses don't get incuded in the GPA calculation -- too bad, D's THINK grades would help her GPA). But they do like to see college courses, I think as evidence of intellectual interest and motivation.

- We can't answer the question yet regarding whether the colleges will accept the credits as transfer-type credits or not. I think that is up to the individual school. D didn't go to THINK for the credits anyway, although of course we will ask to have them transferred if possible.