I am new here today and trying to make sense of scores we recently received for a 4th grader on WSIC-IV. They are all over the place high and low.

GAI - 153
Verbal Reasoning 148; Perceptual Reasoning 137; Working Memory 116; Processing Speed 94

Similarities 19
Vocabulary 19
Comprehension 16

Block design 12
Picture concepts 17
Matrix reasoning 19
Digit span 12

Letter-number sequencing 14

Coding 10
Symbol search 8

Any insights are welcome. I'm not sure how to take in the span of the results or what to do with this information. We had her tested privately since the school suspected ADD and she has been unable to complete timed tests in simple math at the rate of peers despite her ability in higher math and reasoning. Her reading speed/accuracy by contrast are at the 99.9 percentile.