This was a full day evaluation by a neurospychologist. I'm not sure what is really important, but the report says that processing speed and working memory were significantly discrepant from other abilities. (note: working memory was still in the 86th percentile, up to 98th for story memory, but way lower for visual memory). The problems seem to stem from auditory divided attention (she can't listen to two things at once), vigilance and processing speed, and the suggestion was ADD at the mild end of the continuum - symptoms were "inconsistent." Some problems with "executive functions" too -- planning and retrival was a problem with rote, though not with meaningful tasks. The executive function scores ranged from 10-65th percentile.

She tests very low (max 10 percentile, with one score at less than the first percentile) for visual motor skills, with scores "meeting the criteria for dispraxia." The report says that these visual-motor problems can impact test taking. Almost all of her scores involving reproducing a picture of something were very low, down to under the first percentile. Visual organization and memory that didn't require motor skills seemed fine, and up to the 90+ percentile. She plays a stringed instrument well and her sight reading of music is great, so actual fine motor skills and some parts of the brain - fingers connection is clearly there and she has exceptional general balance (is great at balance sports), so I don't totally understand the dispraxia part.

WIAT-III scores are anywhere from 23 percentile (math fluency) to the 80s for math problem solving to 90s to 99.9 for verbal areas.

We plan to meet with the school to discuss next steps but I don't know what to do or expect. She is bored in school and her slow pace at basic multiplication and division puts her in the lowest math group where she knows that she doesn't belong. Her teachers complain that she doesn't pay attention and is slow to complete tasks. At every meeting over the past three years I mention that she has special abilities (earlier private testing showed achievement and intelligence tests in the 99.9 percentile) and I have a list of crazy interests and abilities like anyone else here to back it up, but the conversation turns immediately back to their list of what is wrong with her.