DD is 6yrs old and in 1st grade. It is an accelerated/gifted class. Because of her scores on previous IQ testing she was placed in that class by the principal with the assumption that she would qualify for gifted placement. Fast forward to now. DD is doing well in class, although it was a bit rocky at first (she was diagnosed with ADHD and is doing much better with medication). However, her teacher apparently just does not "see" giftedness in DD.

In our district a child must score a 130 or above on an IQ test, show a majority of characteristics of a gifted child as indicated on an intellectual checklist, and show a need for a special program. We have the IQ scores, and I would say she shows a need since she is in the gifted class and doing well, but her teacher is scoring her as average on that stupid checklist, which means DD isn't eligible for the gifted program.

Without admission to the program she is no longer guaranteed a spot in the accelerated/gifted class next year. Any spots in the gifted classes not taken up by identified gifted children are filled based on overall grades, SAT 10 testing and you guessed it, the intellectual checklist scale. DD didn't score well on that checklist in K either and wouldn't have been put in the gifted 1st grade class if I hadn't submitted her test scores over the summer.

I'm thinking of applying for Davidson's. DD has a GAI of 148 on the WISC-IV and we're awaiting results of achievement testing. Is this a situation where a Davidson's consultant/advocate could make a difference? I'm really at a loss for what else to do to. She would be bored out of her mind in a regular class and I'm afraid that's where she's headed next year.