Thank you all so much. Your generosity is overwhelming. I am overwhelmed with everything. I plan on spending some time on the Hoagies site today and calling the neurologist's office today and asking some more questions. I'll let you know how it goes.

There are moments when I think I have lost my mind, that I am over exaggerating and this is all in my head. For example, yesterday, I was doing a puzzle with him and he was a little confused when doing it. But then, in the bath tub, he was talking the whole time about the temperature of the water and about water vapor (we had just watched a movie about weather and the water cycle). And at bedtime, we were doing a Usborne (I love those books!) puzzle book and he whizzed right through it. I am trying hard to keep perspective and I definately don't want to push perfection. He IS only three, but talks all day long like a twelve year old, so sometimes it is hard for me to remember how little he really is.

Thought you all would enjoy a laugh. Here are a couple of quotes from last week...I've started writing them down.

"Mommy, daddy came in my room and turned off my light last night (night light). He is so foolish!"

"Don't call me sweetheart! I'm just not a piece of candy!"

"Absolutely not! That is disgusting!"

You all have a great day, and thanks again for your help. Funny thing, my 9 month old already has words and was turning the pages of a book yesterday. He talks all day long too, trying to catch up with his brother! Between the two to them, I don't think I'll ever get in a word!