I got so lucky with this one with both of my kids. Ask me again if I feel lucky about this once they start school though. My kids are HEAVY sleepers. My one year old sleeps all night until about 9 am then nurses for an hour plus naps daily. My four year old has always slept about 10 hours. He used to sleep all morning, but now I send him to bed at 8:30pm and he gets up about 9 am. Thanks library for our great Magic Treehouse, Junie B Jones, and Hank the Cowdog CDs that he goes to bed for. <3.

Yes, I have considered what that means for their grouchy threshold for when school starts. It's going to have to be like a 7:30 bedtime for a 7 am wake-up.

BTW, congrats on the new baby.

I will bE miserable and up all night soon with mine because of the molars. That was my worse time ever with my boy because molars cause fevers and vomiting and about five days and nights straight of no-sleep mommy. Worst time ever. I expect it soon with the girl.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar