Mr W did not regularly sleep more than 2 hours until he was 3.5 and was accelerated into a class with kids 1-2 years older than he. Even then he still wakes up 1-2 nights a week. He stopped napping around 6 mo and his last real nap was before he was 1 year old.

We do have a routine we use with him for bed, but some nights that does not work and he is bouncing off the walls until 11pm. We put a dinger on his doors and his lights have timers on them. Still, that does not work.

And despite all this, he is usually awake by 6:30 AM every morning.

The nap issue is a big deal at his school as they expect him to lay still for 1.5 hours while the other kids sleep. He really hates this nap time.

Days with high intellectual novelty wear him out the most - from since he was very little.