Hi all,

I posted a while back about my DS, third grade, about what I suspect is a case of "something" masking his giftedness and his giftedness masking this "something." Here is the short version of that:

DS9, third grade, parochial school in an affluent town. We think he is bright. However, the school won't put him in the advanced reading and math groups. So we inquire as to why. They say that he doesn't complete the work he already has, he has issues with time management, teacher will call on him and he's not at the place in the book where he should be, etc.

So we go and get some IQ testing done as a start. Scores come back at 135. Oy. So he obviously has the ability to be in these groups. So we show the school the scores and they say that they agree he can handle the content, but until he shows he has the work habits, they can't move him.

At the time, I thought that this "something" might be ADD-PI (primarily inattentive), possibly of the subtype Sluggish Cognitive Tempo.

I'm starting to wonder if there could be other things or different things going on. One thought is dyspraxia. From what I read, I don't see any involvement of speech or fine motor skills, but possibly gross motor skills. He is really really bad at sports, like ridiculously bad. Can hardly catch, sort of runs funny, and most importantly, has absolutely no interest in trying to improve on his skills. He doesn't seem to have the clumsiness associated with dyspraxia however. Maybe just a poor athlete? Is dyspraxia something I would know about already? As it doesn't seem like a minor issue.

My other thought is wondering about the role of introversion. Last week, at school, they had a holiday concert, two of them in fact. One in the afternoon, one in the night. I went to both. At the first, he was all into it, loved being on stage, everything. But for the second one, I could hardly drag him back. He didn't seem physically tired (it was only at 6 pm and he usually goes to sleep around 830). It was just like he was fried.

Anyway, just thought I would throw this out there and see if anyone had any thoughts. It seems like these things (ADD-PI, dyspraxia and introversion overlap. Thanks!