So we (finally) had our IEP last week. It went well, I'm happy we finally got it on record.

A few things were discussed about DS7's behavior though that we weren't aware of previously. He throws his food away instead of eating it or bringing it home. I had been told he did this a few times last year, so I started making him make his own lunch (he said he threw it away b/c he didn't like what I packed). His teacher also mentioned that he wears his jacket all day and sometimes his gloves.

The SpEd teacher mentioned that he might have Sensory Processing Disorder.

Anyone know much about this? I've been looking/researching online about it and it's definitely something that could be a possibility. How would he be diagnosed? Is it something that can be treated? Is there something we, as parents, can do to help?

Any help/advice/etc. would be greatly appreciated!