DD6 was recently tested on the SB-5. She had been tested using the Wechsler tests twice before. The original tester believed DD has a visual processing issue. The new tester suspects a bigger processing issue. Here are the most recent scores:
Fluid Reasoning NonVerbal: 18
Fluid Reasoning Verbal: 17
Knowledge NonVerbal: 11
Knowledge Verbal: 14
Quantitative Reasoning NonVerbal: 16
Quant. Reasoning Verbal: 15
Visual Reasoning NonVerbal: 16
Visual Reasoning Verbal: 15
Working Memory NonVerbal: 16
Working Memory Verbal: 16

NonVerbal IQ = 135
Verbal IQ = 134
FSIQ = 136

Factor Index Scores:
-Fluid Reasoning: 144
-Knowledge: 114
-Quantitative Reasoning: 130
-Visual Reasoning: 132
-Working Memory: 135

The prior two test scores were strange. They were both on Wechsler tests, but the first one showed her better Verbally, while the second one showed her better in the area of reasoning. This latest tester suggested that the discrepancy is further indication of a processing issue. He also said that since people usually score worse on the SB-5, but DD had the exact same FSIQ on the latest WISC compared to the SB-5, he thinks the processing issue is at play. Her GAI on the latest WISC was 144. We did apply to Davidson Young Scholars with the latest WISC score, so hopefully she will get in and they can help us.

What do you make of these scores? The latest tester thinks her processing issues could be retrieval challenges (meaning she has the info., but has trouble organizing it and spitting it out).

Should we be doing something to pinpoint this more? Ideas on how to help her?

(sorry so long)