Eesh-a-meesh, this one's going to give me gray hair. smile

Last night my husband went over my son's homework for math and discovered he wasn't showing any of the work. When my husband told him they'd need to redo it together, my son pushed back and said he didn't have to.

I sat down and explained that the accommodations at school were so his brain wasn't mush by the end of the class day. At home, he'd be expected to push himself beyond his comfort zone in order to exercise the parts of his brain that struggled.

After an hour and a half of attitude and smart aleck comments, he finally realized he wasn't going to win and started doing the work. And once he quit having attitude, he discovered the work wasn't so hard and that he was quite good at it.

It's tough negotiating the balance of needed accommodations with accommodating lazy habits for a 2E kid, isn't it?