DD#2 (5 yo) is in kindergarten and we had her first conference for the year today. The teacher says by DRA standards she is at a 2nd grade level in reading and improving rapidly (moved up 1/2 a grade level in about a month's time). However, she mentioned that dd's writing output (while on level for kindergarten) doesn't match the speed of her reading ability and is causing dd frustration. She also said it doesn't seem to be a problem with fine motor skills as she is great at coloring (loves to color actually). And it's not about knowing her sounds either b/c she has those down pat (including blends).

She gave some suggestions on how to work with her at home to improve her writing. Did any of your gifted children struggle like this in kindergarten and eventually catch up without intervention? The only thing dd has complained to me is about how school is boring and mornings are becoming a challenge because of this.