My son's elementary school had a technology grant and a technology teacher, so he always had access to either a Macbook or an iMac in each class. He also used a computer at home, and because we had Mac, it was very easy to sync his work at school with what he wanted to finish up at home. He carried a jump drive in his backpack and plugged it into whatever computer he was using to access the files he needed to work on.

In midschool, he has access to the class computer if there is heavy note taking, and he uses his computer at home for almost all of his homework - even to type out the answers to math.

We are looking into getting him an iPod Touch for one of the student organizer apps.

We do have it as part of his IEP that he is allowed to do all of his work as needed on a computer, and it's made a huge difference in the quality of work he is turning in.

By the way - don't know where you are - but we have a rider on our homeowner's policy for our more expensive electronic items, camera equipment, etc., and it's only $35 a year and covers replacement even for negligent damage. It's well worth the peace of mind.