I started to write a long reply and my laptop burped and there it went - agh! I don't have time to recreate it at the moment but wanted to mention one thing - it's helped our ds tremendously to move to a laptop for all of his written work. The reason for the laptop was to replace handwriting, but it's also helped a ton with organizational challenges. Everything we can put into a file is one less piece of paper that's lost or left at school or whatever. Some of his teachers will accept homework via email so he doesn't have to deal with turning it in the next day at school. One of his teachers has him keep *all* of his classroom and homework in one large running file - he just appends the days' work at the end of the file.

Another suggestion we considered and didn't use (because we were afraid he'd lose it!) was an iTouch or other similar device for his personal planner - there are a ton of planner apps, plus you can use it to take pics of assignments written on the board.
